Morning Brief
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Our Story

In 2000, The Epoch Times was founded to bring truthful and uncensored news to people immersed in the Chinese Communist regime’s propaganda.

Our founders left China after the Tiananmen Square massacre to further pursue studies in the United States. They thought that they had left the communist system behind.

However, after seeing that the Chinese Communist Party’s propaganda was being spread throughout the world, they started The Epoch Times in a basement in Atlanta, Georgia, to offer a perspective independent of the communist regime. Since then, the publication has expanded internationally, including Canada.

A few months after The Epoch Times began publishing, our reporters in China were arrested. They were given three- to ten-year prison terms for the “crime” of reporting the truth. Some were tortured.

Despite the setback, we have continued our work and virtually stood alone in our efforts to expose the Chinese regime, its human rights violations, and its efforts to infiltrate and subvert nations around the world for over two decades. And we are known for breaking many of the most important China-related social, political, and economic news.

From the beginning, we’ve been committed to getting the truth out under difficult circumstances.

Over the last 24 years, The Epoch Times has grown into one of the fastest-growing, independent media in Canada. We operate without any government or corporate funding, relying primarily on subscription fees from our readers.

We are committed to providing truthful news without bias or agenda, investigative reporting that matters, and important stories you can't find anywhere else.

By exposing unscrupulous efforts to subvert society and traditional values, and by truthfully reporting on politics, the economy, and society, we’re doing our part to ensure a better future for our children and grandchildren.

And The Epoch Times goes beyond just news reporting: Our motto of Truth, Tradition, Hope is our guiding light. We highlight in our reporting the best of humanity, valuable lessons from history, and traditions that benefit society.

Through our reporting, we empower readers to make informed decisions and lead their best lives.

The Epoch Times has received numerous awards for our reporting and design, including from the New York Press Association, the Society of Professional Journalists, and the Society for News Design.

We are currently publishing in 22 languages in 36 countries, with our Canadian headquarters in Toronto.